Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Candied Popcorn

Candied Popcorn
16-18 Cups Popped Popcorn (unflavored, unsalted)
1 14-oz. Sweetened Condensed Milk
1 3-oz. box Jello--flavor of your choice
Preheat oven to 250°. Place Popcorn in a large, clean paper grocery bag and set aside.

Mix the Sweetened Condensed Milk and the Jello in a small saucepan; heat over medium heat until the Jello is dissolved, stirring often. Watch carefully, as this can scorch! When the Jello has fully dissolved, pour over the Popcorn and still well until all Popcorn is evenly coated. Transfer Popcorn to a large, deep roaster which has been well coated with butter or non-stick spray (I use a deep foil lasagna pan).

Bake on the lowest oven rack for 20 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes. Watch carefully; if the oven runs too hot or if the Popcorn is too close the element, it can scorch.

Turn out the baked Popcorn onto a sheet of foil which has been well coated with non-stick spray. Enjoy when cool. Store in a tightly sealed container.

Recipe taken from Gift of Simplicity

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